Wednesday, July 18, 2007

prayer for rebirth

Black and white beginnings
Of nothing
A return to purity
Immaculate conception
On wings of
crystal tears unshed
to quiet cradle songs

of sighs
and the snap
of little boxes closing
the sounds
sun-burnt memories make
leaving transparent stains.
A blanket of tissue, then

Not strong, not warm
But it will cleanse
rancid memories
That seep in through
Heels with the scents
Of rain drenched earth.

some desires

for dreamless sleep

white awakening


the desire for perfect life.


Take a Hike said...

So Long.

nina said...

umm.. farewell? otherwise, yea longer than usual, may be.

abynav said...

desire for a perfect life.....

nina said...

jim morrison is awesome. :) and yes, the desire for a perfect life.

tropical seagull said...

static. its like life stood still. thats all i can make of this pome. what did you intend?

nina said...

exactly that... tracing the way back to the beginning of waves.. thank you.

Unknown said...

How long will this silence last.

nina said...

hopefully, not too long.